An addressable receptor in laminate form, and advantageously in PTF laminate
comprising a front conductive layer including a plurality of substantially parallel
front electrode strips and a rear conductive layer also including a plurality of
substantially parallel rear electrode strips. The conductive layers are orientated
with respect to each other so that an array of electrode regions of intersection
is formed corresponding to the regions at which the front electrode strips cross
over the rear electrode strips. The first and second conductive layers are separated
by a reactive layer comprising a plurality of defined reactive regions. The reactive
regions are deployed in a reactive array substantially in register with the array
of electrode regions of intersection, so that the reactive regions are electrically
addressable by coordinate pairs of first and second electrode strips. The front
electrode strips are partially transparent to radiation in a selected waveband.
In operation, an irradiated image in the selected waveband is directed onto the
receptor laminate. The irradiated pattern passes through the transparent front
electrode strips and selectively energizes the addressable reactive regions in
a corresponding pattern.