An energy-conserving power-supply system utilizes a keep-alive DC power to
consistently power a control circuit so as to render a main power supply
readily actuatable for either distributing AC power or supplying regulated
DC power. The energy-conserving power-supply system allows any one of
modern information-processing or entertainment electronic products to be
readily operable manually, remotely, or automatically from a standby
state; while, it totally eliminates any unnecessary energy waste because
AC power is neither transmitted nor wasted not only within but outside the
power-supply system. The latter allows an external line-operated device to
be concurrently operable from a no-power state, i.e., without consuming
any standby energy at all. Not only can the energy-conserving power-supply
system conserve energy usage to the greatest extent, it will also
correspondingly extend the life spans of electronic circuitry and
electromechanical components.