This invention provides an electronic switch for model cars to prevent
incapability of the remote operation of the model cars.
Keeping the manual switch 10 for a given period at ON state, a receiver 4
and a battery 5 are connected, and after a provisional OFF state of a
manual switch 10, it is reset in ON state for a given period, to
disconnect an electrical connection between the receiver 4 and the battery
5. For this sake, even if the manual switch 10 is abruptly changed over to
OFF state upon abut to an obstacle during a run of the model car, the
electrical connection between the receiver 4 and the battery 5 is not
disconnected, as far as a given period continuation of the OFF state of
the manual switch. With a use of the switching circuit 13, ON/OFF change
over is provided without using a mechanical contact, which provides no
anxiety of the disconnect of contact caused by the vibration.