A electronic engine control (EEC) module executes a neural network processing program to control the idle speed of an internal combustion engine by controlling the bypass air (throttle duty cycle) and the engine's ignition timing. The neural network is defined by a unitary data structure which defmes the network architecture, including the number of node layers, the number of nodes per layer, and the interconnections between nodes. To achieve idle speed control, the neural network processes input signals indicating the current operating state of the engine, including engine speed, the intake mass air flow rate, a desired engine speed, engine temperature, and other variables which influence engine speed, including loads imposed by power steering and air conditioning systems. The network definition data structure holds weight values which determine the manner in which network signals, including the input signals, are combined. The network definition data structures are created by a network training system which utilizes an external training processor which employ dynamic gradient methods to derive network weight values in accordance with a cost function which quantitatively defines system objectives and an identification network which is pretined to provide gradient signals representative of the behavior of the physical plant. The training processor executes training cycles asynchronously with the operation of the EEC module in a representative test vehicle.

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