A customizable interactive educational system 30 includes an assembly of
data modules 60 which control the inputting, categorizing, and formatting
of educational data which have been determined to be well-accepted
principles. The well-accepted principles create a primary knowledge base
stored as a professor customizable interactive textbook (CITbook) 40. The
primary knowledge base is organized by at least subject matter, topic, and
knowledge level and the data are linked to each other in predetermined
sequences. Data managers 200 allow a professor teaching a course to select
and manipulate portions of the primary knowledge base of the professor
CITbook 40 to generate a customized student version 50 in accordance with
the course being taught and personal data added by the professor. The data
added or altered by the professor is visually distinguished from the
well-accepted data. Maps are generated which include link sequences
connecting the selected subjects and topics in a primary sequence based on
the course being taught. Secondary links are generated interconnecting the
selected subjects and topics in multiple directions allowing the student
to access reference data by selecting one of the secondary links. A
presentation manager 250 executes the primary sequence and presents the
selected subjects and topics contained in the primary sequence to the
student. The secondary links allow the student to dynamically change the
primary sequence thereby accessing background or advanced topics.