A device is provided for alerting a driver of an automotive vehicle as to the
of fatigue, characterized by eyelid droop, head droop and a like condition wherein
the eyes of the driver are not directed straight ahead onto the road. The device
includes an indicator light, preferably an LED, which is viewable by the driver
in the upper periphery of the field of vision of the driver. A control circuit
controls the LED so as to provide illumination thereof after a predetermined time
interval. A reset pushbutton, when depressed, provides resetting of the time interval.
An alarm sounds when the LED has been illuminated after the passage of the predetermined
time interval. The device is automatically deactivated (or, reset) when, e.g.,
the brakes are applied or the engine speed drops to a low value. The device is
automatically activated when the engine is turned on or, e.g., when the vehicle
speed or other parameter reaches a predetermined value.