In a computer system with a plurality of levels of cache storage, a cache control
method prevents data duplication among the levels of cache storage to increase
cache storage utilization. A high-level cache staging unit stages reads data from
a disk unit, stages the data to a high-level cache, and instructs to destage the
data, which has been read, from a low-level cache. A high-level cache destaging
unit writes data to be destaged to the disk unit, instructs to stage the data,
which has been written, to the low-level cache, and destages the data from the
high-level cache. A low-level cache staging unit stages a data, which is written
by the high-level cache destaging unit, to the low-level cache. A low-level cache
destaging unit destages a data, which is instructed by the high-level cache staging
unit, from the low-level cache.