A linear actuator with an internal dampening mechanism is disclosed. The actuator
has a housing has a first end and a second end and forms an internal chamber. A
constricted opening is also added to the actuator at the first end. A piston is
disposed within the housing and is capable of sliding along the chamber. The piston
has a head portion and a shaft portion. The shaft portion is slidable through the
constricted opening whereas the head portion is not slidable through the constricted
opening. A fluid is also added to the actuator. The fluid is disposed within the
housing. In one embodiment, the actuator is constructed such that the sliding of
the shaft portion forces a fluid through the constricted opening such that the
movement of the piston is dampened. In an alternative embodiment, the actuator
includes one or more second pistons and an orifice. In this embodiment, the actuator
is constructed such that the sliding of the piston forces the fluid through the
orifice and causes the second pistons to telescopically extend from the first piston.