A surgical wound retractor is adapted to dilate a wound stretchable to a desired
diameter, the retractor includes a first ring having a diameter greater than that
desired for the wound and being adapted for disposition interiorly of the wound.
A second ring has a diameter greater than that desired for the wound and is adapted
for disposition exteriorly of the wound. A plurality of retraction elements are
disposed in a generally cylindrical relationship to each other, between the first
ring and the second ring. These elements extend through the wound to exert a radial
retraction force on the wound which is dependent on the distance separating the
first ring and the second ring. Retraction elements, both distensible and non-distensible
are contemplated with appropriate attachment elements at the rings to provide for
variations in the retraction force. With a suitable retraction sleeve, a third
ring can be provided to form a circumferential retainer to vary the retraction
force. Rings can also be made inflatable or self-expanding to vary the retraction
force. An associated method includes the step of rolling the second ring circumferentially
of the third ring to form the circumferential retainer.