The disclosed invention is a computerized testing methodology which uses Yes/No answers to questions to make the most appropriate selection from a set of defined possibilities. With regard to a topic which is being analyzed, a set of possible outcomes is defined. A database of questions which bear upon these outcomes is developed and each outcome is ranked in relation to each question as to how much that question indicates that outcome. This is a serial ranking of 1 through the number of possible outcomes. Additional weight factors may be used along with these rankings. As questions are answered, these rankings and weights are used to calculate accumulating scores for the possible outcomes. A formula is provided to choose a balanced selection of questions initially and then shift to questions which focus on the indicated likely outcomes as the questioning progresses. Upon termination of the questioning process, the outcomes having the highest percent accumulated score to possible score are deemed indicated by the method. The process may be repeated to obtain a second most indicated outcome. Means of storing, using, and presenting the method are also disclosed.


< Method, apparatus, computer program product, and system for aiding in literacy

< Team-based, computer-implemented accountability program

> Instructional shoelaces system and method of use

> Reading book including partially electronic page display

~ 00222