A panel of biomarkers for the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer was examined in the saliva of a cohort of 1) healthy women, 2) women with benign lesions of the breast and 3) women with diagnosed breast cancer. Recognized tumor markers c-erbB-2 (erb), cancer antigen 15-3 (CA 15-3), and tumor suppresser oncogene protein 53 (p53) were found in the saliva of all three groups of women. The levels of erb and CA 15-3 in the cancer patients evaluated, however, were significantly higher than the salivary levels of healthy controls and benign tumor patients. Conversely, pantropic p53 levels were higher in controls as compared to those women with breast cancer and those with benign tumors.

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< Markers for prostate cancer

< Antisense oligonucleotide preparation method

> Polypeptide derivatives of parathyroid hormone (PTH)

> Selectively configurable probe structures, e.g., for testing microelectronic components

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