A method for the preparation of an antisense oligonucleotide or derivative thereof
comprising the steps of: selecting a target nucleic acid, if necessary elucidating
its sequence; generating the antisense oligonucleotide with the proviso that: the
oligonucleotide comprises at least 8 residues; the oligonucleotide comprises at
maximum twelve elements, which are capable of forming three hydrogen bonds each
to cytosine bases; the oligonucleotide does not contain four or more consecutive
elements, capable of forming three hydrogen bonds each with four consecutive cytosine
bases (CCCC) within the target molecule or alternatively four or more consecutive
elements of GGGG; the oligonucleotide does also not contain 2 or more series of
three consecutive elements, capable of forming three hydrogen bonds each with three
consecutive cytosine bases (CCC) within the target molecule, or alternatively 2
or more series of three consecutive elements of GGG; and the ratio between residues
forming two hydrogen bonds per residue (2H-bond-R) with the target molecule and
those residues forming three hydrogen bonds per residue (3H-bond-R) with the target
molecule, is ruled by the following specifications: 3H-bond-R/3H-bond-R+2H-bond-R0.29,
and synthesizing the oligonucleotide thus generated in a per se known manner.