Method and apparatus for monitoring and logging the operation of a distributed
processing system. A method for monitoring the operation of a distributed transaction
system that is operable to process one or more transactions, each of which is comprised
of a plurality of discrete processes, and which transaction as a whole is operable
to perform a transaction on data when transferring data from a first location on
a network to a second location on the network and the transaction comprised of
operating on the data at intermediate nodes in the system with one or more of the
plurality of processes during the transaction. First, a determination is made as
to when a transaction has been initiated from the first location and has been transferred
to the one of the intermediate nodes in the network. The initiation of the transaction
is then logged at a central location on the network. A determination is then made
as to when the initiated transaction has been completed by transfer of the processed
data to the second location on the network from the last of the intermediate nodes
in the network that has operated on the data. Completion of the transaction is
then logged at the central location on the network.