A hardware and software implemented, standardize testing, scoring and reporting system has a network interface, being either LAN or the Internet. A test is selected from a library, assigned to a group of examinees, and a record is made of the assignment. The test is available on-line, or downloaded, or both. Downloaded tests are saved as PDF files and printed into booklets. Examinees record answers on bubble sheets, which are scanned at the customer site or shipped to a processing plant. Individual scanned answer sheets provided data for individual scanned records. Scanning software performs an initial auto-correct and then performs an initial check for errors in scanned records. Tests are batched for later inspection. Scanned records with errors are classified as invalid and the test papers are separated. Prompts are generated for a human test paper inspection and scanned record editing. Accepted batches of scanned records are sent to a scanned records server where a second scanned records error check is performed. Prompts are sent to the appropriate scanning station for further human editing of invalid scanned records. Once all records are valid they are scored and the test results stored in a database, which is accessed by a reporting subsystem associated with an on-line server.

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> Dry erase article

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