Disclosed is a multilayer compensator polymeric film for a LC cell including
two or more first type layers having an out-of-plane birefringence not more negative
than -0.005 and one or more second type layers having an out-of-plane birefringence
more negative than -0.005, wherein the second type layers are amorphous and including
selected polymeric materials having sufficient thickness so that the overall in-plane
retardation (Re) of the compensator is from 0 to 300 nm and the out-of-plane retardation
(Rth) of at least one of the one or more second type layers is more negative than
-20 nm wherein: (a) a first type layer is present that is contiguous to a second
layer and is between all of the second type layers and all of the other first type
layers; (b) at least one of the second type layers or one of the other first type
layers is a layer coated from an organic solvent; and (c) the contiguous first
type layer contains a polymer that is water soluble or water dispersible in an
amount sufficient to impede the diffusion of the organic solvent between the other
first type layers and the second type layers.