Surface of a golf ball 1 is comparted into 8 spherical regular triangles
St and 6 spherical squares Ss by comparting lines that are formed by casting a
reflection of sides of the cuboctahedron inscribed in the phantom spherical face
onto the phantom spherical face. On the spherical regular triangle St are arranged
regular triangular dimples A1. On the spherical square Ss are formed square
dimples B1 and B2. Dimple patterns of respective spherical regular
triangles St are identical with each other. Dimple patterns of respective spherical
squares Ss are identical with each other. It is also permitted that the snub cube
is envisioned, and the surface is comparted into spherical regular triangles St
and spherical squares Ss. Surface area occupation percentage of dimples 4
is preferably equal to or greater than 70%.