A polarization insensitive narrowband tunable filter utilizes an active liquid
crystal cell to change the index of refraction and tuning of a waveguide resonant
filter employing a nanostructured waveguide grating and polarization beam splitters
to independently channel and convert S- and P-polarization states into optically
and geometrically parallel beams which pass through the device. A multi-pixel configuration
offers extended tuning range by employing a 1N optical switch or splitter
and N tunable pixel-filters each having offset center frequency enabling the tuning
range of one pixel to partially overlap another pixel rendering the device and
1N switch or splitter capable of scanning pixels to yield an expanded continuous
tuning range mode. Optional features of the present invention include deposited
photodetectors, deposited metal gasket moisture barrier, deposited spacer layer
with high cell gap tolerance, a deposited thermal sensor and heater and related
temperature compensation control schemes.