Port priorities are defined on a 32-bit word, 16-bit half-word, and 8-bit byte
basis to control the write enable signals to a compute register file (CRF). With
a manifold array (ManArray) reconfigurable register file, it is possible to have
double-word 64-bit and single word 32-bit data-type instructions mixed with other
double-word, single-word, half-word, or byte data-type instructions within the
same very long instruction word (VLIW). By resolving a write priority conflict
on the byte, half-word, or word that is in conflict during the VLIW execution,
it is possible to have partial operations complete that provide a useful function.
For example, a load half-word to the half-word H0 portion of a 32-bit register
R0 can have priority to complete its operation while a 64-bit shift of the
register pair R0 and R1 will complete its operation on the non-conflicting
half-word portions of the 64-bit register R0 and R1. Other unique
capabilities result from the present approach to assigning port priorities that
improve the performance of the ManArray indirect VLIW processor.