An electonic document retrieval system and method for a collection of information
distributed over a network having documents stored in web or document servers in
which an access control list relates user identification to documents to which
a user has access. No access control lists are contained in the documents themselves
nor are comparisons made between lists of users, with their access levels, and
the classifications of documents. Rather, by the use of URLs or pointers, it is
possible to associate every document to which a user has access with the user identification
number or code. URLs have a hierchical format which allows partial URLs to indicate
levels of access. HTTP protocol, FTP and CGI protocol employ URL calls for documents
and can use the access control method and system of the present invention. When
a search query is applied to a query server, a list of hits is returned, together
with pertinent URLs. The query server consults each access control list associated
with each document server, to present to the user only those URLs for which he
has a proper access level. Other URLs for which the user does not have proper access
are kept hidden from the user.