An automated analyzer for performing multiple diagnostic assays simultaneously
includes multiple stations, or modules, in which discrete aspects of the assay
are performed on fluid samples contained in reaction receptacles. The analyzer
includes stations for automatically preparing a specimen sample, incubating the
sample at prescribed temperatures for prescribed periods, preforming in analyte
isolation procedure, and ascertaining the presence of a target analyte. An automated
receptacle transporting system moves the reaction receptacles from one station
to the next. The analyzer further includes devices for carrying a plurality of
specimen tubes and disposable pipette tips in a machine-accessible manner, a device
for agitating containers of target capture reagents comprising suspensions of solid
support material and for presenting the containers for machine access thereto,
and a device for holding containers of reagents in a temperature controlled environment
and presenting the containers for machine access thereto. A method for performing
an automated diagnostic assay includes an automated process for isolating and amplifying
a target analyte. The process is performed by automatically moving each of a plurality
of reaction receptacles containing a solid support material and a fluid sample
between stations for incubating the contents of the reaction receptacle and for
separating the target analyte bound to the solid support from the fluid sample.
An amplification reagent is added to the separated analyte after the analyte separation
step and before a final incubation step.