An exercise and performance evaluation apparatus includes a revolving belt
on which a subject can perform bipedal locomotion, a harness for securing
the subject at a fixed position relative to the apparatus, a means for
measuring the force applied by the subject to the belt, and a means for
monitoring and controlling the velocity of the belt. The harnessing of
the subject allows monitoring of the velocity as a function of time. An
overhead harness may be used to alter the effective mass of the subject.
The velocity of the belt may be controlled by a motor and brake system,
where the motor may be uni-directional or bi-directional. A digital
processor may be used to control the motor and/or brake as a function of
the applied forces to simulate real-world or virtual world environments,
allowing the operation of the device in modes such as constant-force
modes, constant-load modes, constant velocity modes, sprint simulation
mode, bob sled simulation mode, terminal velocity determination mode,
isokinetic overspeed mode, and isotonic overspeed mode. Processing of the
velocity and force as a function of time allows for the recording and
analysis of data such as the maximal exertion force-velocity curve, left
leg/right leg performance, force as a function of stride, etc.