The present invention relates to a communication system and method and,
more particularly, to a fault tolerant network element for providing
fault tolerant call connections in the event of a failure of, for
example, a Gatekeeper or other part of a network. Calls set up across a
network consume large amounts of resources both throughout the network
and at the devices which form the end points of the network. Therefore,
even though a call connection may be supported, in the event of the
failure of a network element, it is often the case that there is an
ungraceful failure or use of resources throughout the network.
Accordingly, an aspect of the present invention provides a method for
preserving a connection context at a first layer of a communication
protocol; the communication protocol comprising a second, higher,
signalling layer in which, in response to a switch-over from an active
host to a standby host in the event of failure of the former, the
connection is terminated in response to receipt of a signalling layer
signal other than a disconnect or terminate signal.