The present invention is a system that provides the user with an downloadable, browser based interface that allows the user, based on his own preferences, to place fungible goods, such as stocks, in a basket as a list and trade all of the goods in the basket as a unit. The interface allows the user to execute trades in/of the basket in a single user action (i.e. one mouse click). A list region is provided where the goods are listed and an execute control initiates trading of the goods in the basket. The user can also specify an amount to be invested, goods weights, a measurement index and how the trades are to be limited. The interface presents, allows changes in (open, close, balance, etc.), summarizes and records the goods transactions as/within the unit basket.


< Digital watermarks with values derived from remote platforms

< Lead generation system using buyer criteria

> Trade allocation

> Method and system for determining a company's probability of no default

~ 00279