An autonomous eclone (10) comprises a plurality of interface agents
(15,20,25,30) operable to interact with a person; an expert system (35)
operable to process a command originated by any of the agents
(15,20,25,30); and a database (40) accessible by the expert system (35)
and operable to store all available information associated with a user.
The eclone (10) also comprises an input authenticator and classifier (45)
operable to authenticate and classify the person; a command creator (50)
operable to create the command based upon a request; an output action
generator (55) operable to execute the command and relay a result to any
of the agents (15,20,25,30); and an activity logger (60) operable to log
the request and the result. The expert system (35) is essentially a
collection of rules that define how the eclone (10) reacts to each