CMOS imagers can possess higher levels of imager noise than their
predecessors, CCDs. This noise can be of the form of temporal variation
and fixed pattern. The fixed pattern component of this noise can be
removed, which is known already in the art. The invention in this
disclosure is that proper correction can be developed for all imager
conditions (imager integration time and imager temperature) using a
single FPN (fixed pattern noise) dark map, a single FPN PRNU (pixel
response nonuniformity) map, imager integration time and imager
temperature. Without this invention, a dark frame capture and a flat
field capture (integrating sphere), are required before every image
capture, a practical impossibility in typical picture taking. Further,
the estimates of both FPN maps (dark and PRNU) in this invention are
improved estimates relative to such captured directly preceding image
capture since such have be formed with multiple frame averaging at
calibration time, thus removing any temporal noise from these map
estimates. These dark FPN and PRNU FPN maps are modified by a scaling and
biasing functional with the measured values of integration time and of
imager temperature. A second approach is to make the biasing and scaling
functions dependant only on mean dark response taken from the imager's
dark pixels, at time of capture.