A transparent panel-form loudspeaker consists of a transparent sound
radiation panel that can radiate sound with desired pressure level over a
specific frequency range when subjected to the flexural vibration induced
by a preselected number of transducers located at specific positions on
the peripheral edge of the transparent sound radiation panel and a rigid
frame carrying a flexible suspension device which supports the periphery
of the transparent sound radiation panel. The transparent sound radiation
panel is made of a kind of transparent materials with the ratio of
elastic modulus to density in the range from 3 to 180 GPa/(g/cm.sup.3)
and the ratio of length to thickness of the transparent sound radiation
panel in the range from 80 to 600. The flexible suspension device
supporting the periphery of the transparent sound radiation panel is used
to modify the vibrational characteristics of the transparent sound
radiation panel for an effective generation of the vibrational normal
modes which are beneficial for sound radiation. The transducers are
situated at predetermined locations on the peripheral edge of the
transparent sound radiation panel so that relatively high radiation
efficiency and more uniform spread of sound pressure level spectrum can
be produced by the transparent sound radiation panel over a desired
operative acoustic frequency range.