The invention relates to a system for preventing collisions of an
automobile with obstacles. Sensors mounted in the automobile detect the
area surrounding the vehicle. The signals of said sensors are evaluated
by a data processing device in order to calculate the available
obstacle-free driving space. Other sensors additionally detect the
position of all movable vehicle parts (e.g. a trailer) and the dynamic
parameters of the current driving situation (e.g. speed, steering angle,
etc.). Based on said data, the driving speed required during the
following time intervals in order to continue driving is calculated in
advance by the data processing device and compared with the actually
available obstacle-free driving space that has been detected. Said
comparison provides early forecast regarding a possible collision. The
driver is warned of a possible collision danger by corresponding warning
devices and can consequently react in time. In critical situations (e.g.
high driving speed), direct interventions in the control of the vehicle
by the data processing device can take place to assist the driver.