A power supply control apparatus for reducing the frequency of running a
specific process in an electronic device when the device power turns on
or off too soon after being turned off by monitoring the operating state
of the power switch. When the power supply control apparatus detects an
operation turning the power to the hybrid processing apparatus 1 off, the
power supply control apparatus continues supplying power for as long as
needed to complete a given shutdown process. However, if the power supply
control apparatus 50 detects an operation turning the device power on
again after the power supply stops but before reaching a predetermined
reset voltage a reset and restart command is applied to the electronic
device. More particularly, if an operation turning the power on again is
detected during the period while the power supply is maintained to
complete the shutdown process after the operation turning the power off
is detected, the command restarts the electronic device without running a
process normally run after start up such as a cleaning process in a