System and methods for locating a computer user are described wherein the
computer either periodically updates a network server with its location,
or updates the network server when asked by the server to do so. The
network server can be a mobile computer. The user's computer determines
its physical location using a location tracker service and then transmits
this location information to the server, which stores it in its memory.
The information stored includes the physical location of the computer,
the time when the location was identified, a name identifying the user of
the computer, and an indicator, which indicates whether or not the user
was active on the computer during a specified time interval prior to the
transmission. The location of the user is deemed to be the last known
location of the computer used by the user. If the user is logged onto
more than one computer, the location of the user is deemed to be the last
known location of the computer that indicates the user as being active.