Disclosed is a system and method for evaluating educational effectiveness
and establishing an index for comparison. The index is called the
Classroom Productivity Index and is determined from four factors
multiplied together. Two of the factors come from a Curriculum
Calibration of student assignments process: (1) Alignment to Standards
and (2) Breadth of Coverage. The two other factors come from a School
Wide Instructional Practices Summary (classroom observations) process:
(3) Time on Task, and (4) Instructional Effectiveness. The Index is used
to quantifiably measure the educational institution's overall
effectiveness and to identify areas for improvement in the school's
instructional processes that will result in improved student learning and
improved student achievement on state assessments. A repeat determination
of the Classroom Productivity Index at a future time can measure a
school's progress, or lack of progress, in improving its educational
processes. The usefulness of the Index is based on the premise that
improved teaching results in improved student learning.