In some pseudo-orthogonal waveform embodiments, a radar system transmits
pseudo-orthogonal waveforms and performs multiple correlations on a
combined single receiver channel signal. In some quadratic polyphase
waveform embodiments, a radar system may simultaneously transmit
frequency separated versions of a single quadratic polyphase waveform on
a plurality of transmit antennas, combine the return signal from each
antenna into a combined time-domain signal, and perform a Fourier
transformation on the combined time-domain signal to locate a target. The
radar system may identify a target, such as sniper's bullet, incoming
projectile, rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) or a mortar shell. In some
embodiments, the system may estimate the target's trajectory to intercept
the target. In some embodiments, the system may estimate the target's
trajectory and may further extrapolate the target's trajectory to locate
the target's source, such as the sniper.