A Catalytic Bioconversion (CB) process using kenaf core powder is used to promote an environmentally friendly method to biologically treat the petroleum contaminants in these wastes and waste waters while simultaneously producing a high energy solid fuel. The new process has very low capital and operating costs, treats and converts hazardous waste to non-hazardous waste, and can produce a viable solid fuel product instead of a waste. Typically, these petroleum-contaminated waste/wastewaters undergo some type of hydrocarbon separation and recovery via phase separation using heat and chemical treatment in storage tanks. The objective is to recover as much "good" hydrocarbon as possible and recycle it back to the production process. The material that is not recoverable, an emulsion of oil, water, and solids must be further processed and eventually discarded.

Web www.patentalert.com

> Carbon filtration process and apparatus for removing PCB's and other compounds from wastewater

~ 00313