A method of executing and controlling a workflow process includes a
request-response control process for coordinating activities between a
plurality of entities, whereby an entity creates and sends a message
requesting execution of an activity and another entity receives, parses
and responds to the request. The message includes activity-specific data
and activity status data. The activity status data signifies, for
example, whether a corresponding activity has been successfully performed
(i.e., completed) or failed. Process information, including control logic
for the workflow process, is specified in an at least one uncompiled
document, which may include an extensible stylesheet and an extensible
markup language document. A document type definition defines the
structure of the document. The control logic may include serial,
AND-parallel, OR-parallel, XOR-parallel, CON-parallel and iterative
instructions and a definition of successful completion and/or failure for
an activity according to the control logic. The control logic also
specifies a forward transition for a completed activity and a backward
transition for a failed activity. A parser processes the message
according to the control logic for the workflow process and the document
type definition. A compiled workflow engine and database are not