In a system for liquid cooling of electronics, where the electronics are
subject to rotation in space, a liquid coolant storage tank includes a
degassing and vortex-preventing structure to allow bubbles to float to
the surface of the liquid inside the tank, and also to prevent vortices
from forming near the outlet from the tank. The structure includes nested
tubes or conduits. An inner conduit extends from the inlet into the tank,
and its open end is covered by a second conduit with a baffle across its
end, so that the flow is directed by the baffle to flow back along the
outside of the inner conduit, and inside of the outer conduit. Especially
at the inlet, a third conduit with large perforations surrounds the open
end of the outer conduit. Smaller perforations on the inner conduit at
the outlet side discourage any vortex from forming there. Reversal of the
liquid flow, and the gradual increase in flow cross section prevent
surging inside the tank.