Fishhooks (20), artificial lures (23, 35, 65, 67 and 91) or trailer rods
(120) include both an anodic segment (25, 85 and 105) and a cathodic
segment (27). The anodic and cathodic segments (25, 85, 105 and 27) are
arranged so that immersion of fishhooks (20), artificial lures (23, 35,
65, 67 and 91) or trailer rods (120) in water establishes a galvanic cell
that generates an electo-magnetic field which simulates the natural
bioelectric field of living prey. A particularly preferred embodiment of
the present invention interposes an insulated segment (29) between the
anodic and cathodic segments (25, 85, 105 and 27) of fishhooks (20),
artificial lures (23, 35, 65, 67 and 91). While galvanic action occurs
between the anodic and cathodic segments, fishhooks (20) and artificial
lures (23, 35, 65, 67 and 91) and trailer rods (120) in accordance with
the present invention establish a constant, bioelectric simulating
electromagnetic field.