A laser device includes a target position, an optical component separated
a distance J from the target position, and a laser energy source
separated a distance H from the optical component, distance H being
greater than distance J. A laser source manipulation mechanism exhibits a
mechanical resolution of positioning the laser source. The mechanical
resolution is less than a spatial resolution of laser energy at the
target position as directed through the optical component. A vertical and
a lateral index that intersect at an origin can be defined for the
optical component. The manipulation mechanism can auto align laser aim
through the origin during laser source motion. The laser source
manipulation mechanism can include a mechanical index. The mechanical
index can include a pivot point for laser source lateral motion and a
reference point for laser source vertical motion. The target position can
be located within an adverse environment including at least one of a high
magnetic field, a vacuum system, a high pressure system, and a hazardous
zone. The laser source and an electro-mechanical part of the manipulation
mechanism can be located outside the adverse environment. The
manipulation mechanism can include a Peaucellier linkage.