In a method, tomography apparatus and software product for evaluating time
varying diagnostic images, a series of images are obtained in a time
sequence from an examination subject in a tomography system, the sequence
including exposures in a first image dataset obtained before occurrence
of a diagnostically relevant event associated with the subject, and a
second image dataset obtained at or after the event. A first correction
of the image data is undertaken by displacing the image contents in each
image to bring the position of the subject in each image into
coincidence. A second correction of the image data is undertaken by
obtaining an average value image from the image data corrected by the
first correction. All of the images in the first and second datasets,
corrected by the first correction, are normalized to the average value
image on a picture element-by-picture element basis. A third correction
is undertaken wherein the value of a picture element of a structurally
uniform image region in an image in the first image dataset, corrected
according to the second correction, or an average of picture elements in
this image region in the first image dataset, is subtracted from the
respective values of all picture elements in this region in the first and
second image datasets.