A breadstick product includes a plurality of hard crusty members of edible material with optional inner shell layers. The outer shell or layers are filled with an interior filling of edible hydrophilic material. The edible hydrophilic filling material is absorbent, preferably a bread product or a dehydrated hydrophilic filling material. The outer shell and/or inner shell layers of the tangible breadstick product are a crusty shells, which are filled with the hydrophilic absorbent product, such as dehydrated bread, which can be submerged in hot liquids, such as coffee, tea or soup. The hot liquid is accessed preferably through the access holes in the crusty outer shell, while the crusty outer shell and/or inner shell layers their integrity when dipped and exposed to the hot liquid, such as coffee, tea or soup.

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> Apparatus and method for making confectionery on a stick

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