A wagering card game between players and a dealer. Each player places a
bet. A standard deck of 52 playing cards is shuffled and placed face
down. The dealer checks the value of the top card and the bottom card of
the deck. If the top card is not an ACE and if the bottom card is not a
KING, the dealer commences the game by calling out card value names in
the following sequence ACE, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, JACK, QUEEN, KING
while turning face up a card from the top of the deck after each card
value name is called. If a currently upturned card matches the currently
called out card value name, all players lose their bet. If all 52 cards
are turned over without a single matching card value name being called
out, then all players with their bet.