The presently disclosed invention provides for the fabrication of porous
anodic alumina (PAA) films on a wide variety of substrates. The substrate
comprises a wafer layer and may further include an adhesion layer
deposited on the wafer layer. An anodic alumina template is formed on the
substrate. When a rigid substrate such as Si is used, the resulting
anodic alumina film is more tractable, easily grown on extensive areas in
a uniform manner, and manipulated without danger of cracking. The
substrate can be manipulated to obtain free-standing alumina templates of
high optical quality and substantially flat surfaces PAA films can also
be grown this way on patterned and non-planar surfaces. Furthermore,
under certain conditions the resulting PAA is missing the barrier layer
(partially or completely) and the bottom of the pores can be readily
accessed electrically. The resultant film can be used as a template for
forming an array of nanowires wherein the nanowires are deposited
electrochemically into the pores of the template. By patterning the
electrically conducting adhesion layer, pores in different areas of the
template can be addressed independently, and can be filled
electrochemically by different materials. Single-stage and multi-stage
nanowire-based thermoelectric devices, consisting of both n-type and
p-type nanowires, can be assembled on a silicon substrate by this method.