A method and apparatus for determining the three-dimensional movement of a
patient positioned on a table between an X-ray source and an image
receiver of an X-ray imaging apparatus. The apparatus has an X-ray source
positioned opposite an image receiver, the X-ray source and the image
receiver being driven in rotation about an axis. The method and apparatus
has the following operation: at least three radio-opaque markers are
placed on the patient's body; at least one first radiographic image of
the patient is taken for a first determined fixed position of the imaging
apparatus; at least one second radiographic image of the patient is taken
for a second determined fixed position of the imaging apparatus; and a
matrix of the three-dimensional movement of the patient with respect to
the X-ray source of the imaging apparatus is determined on the basis of
the two-dimensional movements of the markers in the radiographic images,
the X-ray source constituting a fixed reference frame.