A system and method for secure biometric identification. The inventive
system includes a mobile unit and a server. The mobile unit is adapted to
receive biometric input and provide a first signal in response thereto.
In the illustrative implementation, the mobile unit is a Personal Digital
Assistant (PDA) and the biometric input is provided by a fingerprint
sensor mounted thereon. A first transceiver is mounted on the PDA for
transmitting the first signal and receiving a second signal in response
thereto. The PDA is adapted to encrypt the first signal and decrypt the
second signal. A secure device is mounted at the PDA. The secure device
has two modes of operation: a first locked mode by which access thereto
is prohibited and a second unlocked mode by which access thereto is
enabled on receipt of the second signal. In the illustrative
implementation, the secure device is an encrypted database for which the
second signal is a decryption key. The server unit includes a second
transceiver for receiving the first signal transmitted via the wireless
link. The first and second transceivers are adapted to operate in
accordance with the Bluetooth specification. The server is equipped with
a system for authenticating the biometric data and providing the second
signal in response thereto. The second signal is then communicated to the
mobile unit where it is utilized to access the secure device, e.g.,
encrypted database.