It consists of a main articulator embodied in an extended body (1) with
two identical pitches (2) whereon two spherical bearings (10) are
positioned which are traversed by two bars (13) which, in turn, pass
through spherical head screws (14), with these being connected to the
supports (15) through respective bearings (16). A tightening screw (8)
transversely mounted on the articulator (1) makes it possible to tighten
the spherical bearings (10) and thus immobilise the bars (13), which, on
the other end, are immobilised by the set formed by the spherical head
screw (14), the bearing (16) and the support (15) itself; the latter has
holes (22) through which respective nails intended for insertion into the
bone pass, with these holes being oversized with respect to the nails in
order to act as guides during insertion of the latter, but having the
capability to be pinched during tightening of the corresponding nuts (21)
for solid fixation to the nails, parallel to fixation to the
corresponding bar's (13) support (15).