An assistive walking rear entry device including a main frame, elongated
upright body weight support members connected to each side portion of the
main frame and two elongated leg members connected to each body support
member one extending forwardly, the other extending rearwardly, each leg
member including a rollable member attached to a distal end portion
thereof. An elongated seat is attached to and supported on a lower
portion of a centerpost, the centerpost being supported on the main
frame. Rearwardly opening lateral torso supports are attached to the
upper portion of the centerpost and make supporting contact with the
thoracic area and for propelling the device during a walking gait. The
seat is positioned against the perennial region to support the pelvis and
to help propel the device on a "hands free" basis. The body weight
support members are preferably multi-function for body weight support
during a walking gait and preferably are tied together by a cross member
to insure identical side-to-side displacement.