Voltage islands enable a core-level power optimization of ASIC/SoC designs
by utilizing a unique supply voltage for each cluster of the design.
Creating voltage islands in a chip design for optimizing the overall
power consumption consists of generating voltage island partitions,
assigning voltage levels and floorplanning. The generation of voltage
island partitions and the voltage level assignment are performed
simultaneously in a floorplanning context due to the physical constraints
involved. This leads to a floorplanning formulation that differs from the
conventional floorplanning for ASIC designs. Such a formulation of a
physically aware voltage island partitioning and method for performing
simultaneous voltage island partitioning, level assignment and
floorplanning are described, as are the definition and the solution of
floorplanning for voltage island based designs executed under area,
power, timing and physical constraints. The physical planning of voltage
islands includes: a) characterizing cell clusters in terms of voltages
and power consumption values; b) providing a set of cell clusters that
belong to a single voltage island Random Logic Macro (RLM); and c)
assigning voltages for the voltage island RLMs, all within the context of
generating a physically realizable floorplan for the design.