Friendly fire archery bow, is the solution for the archery bow hunter to
remain undetected while shooting at game animals. Or being detected
without being recognized as the enemy. This archery accessory is a way to
disguise the noise an archery bow makes when fired. The scope of this
product is to make an artificial sound that is non threatening to game
animals when the archery bow is fired. Or an added bonus is to call or
attract more game animals while attempting to harvest the present
animals. Edward Flanagan shows three examples of how this can be
accomplished. One is the bellow type animal call (12) FIG. 1 activated by
bow limb (28) movement when the bow (10) is fired. The call could be
crow, turkey, squirrel, deer, fox, duck, and rabbit squealer etcetera.
The second is a bellow type animal call FIG. 2 (46) activated by compound
archery bow cable movement. The third is a air pump activated animal call
FIG. 3 (62) that functions when the bow is fired. This patent by Edward
Jay Flanagan is not limited to the means described, any apparatus used
for sound masking of the archery bow would be in violation of this