A clock generator is provided that is compatible with both DDR1 and DDR2
applications. The internal YCLK signal is turned on only when an active
read or write occurs on the integrated circuit memory, even though the
main chip clock is always running. A circuit block within the clock
generator detects when a read or write is active and initiates a YCLK
signal on the next falling edge of the internal clock. Two separate
mechanisms are used for determining when to terminate the YCLK. One
mechanism is a timer path and the other is a path determined by DDR1 and
DDR2 control signals. The timer path is strictly time based and is the
same for DDR1 and DDR2 parts or modes of operation. The other signal path
is different for DDR1 and DDR2 operating modes. A DDR1 control signal
turns off YCLK at the next rising edge of the internal clock, and a DDR2
control signal turns off YCLK at the next falling edge of the internal