Method to synchronize at least one mobile unit to at least one base
transceiver station belonging to a digital telecommunication network, in
which radio signals transmitted and received by said base station are
subdivided in frames (Fn) having pre-determined duration and each frame
is subdivided in a pre-determined number of timeslots (Tn) and codes
(Cn), said signals including at least a synchronization signal (S), which
is transmitted by the base transceiver station and includes a sequence of
modulation elementary units suitable to identify the timeslot (T1) and
the code (C1) of a service channel containing system messages (M), said
method including the following operational steps: marking the
synchronization signal (S) in at least one frame (Fx) by the base
transceiver station; transmitting a pointer message (P) in the service
channel of said frame (Fx) or of a subsequent frame (Fx+n) by the base
transceiver station; detecting the marked synchronization signal (S') by
the mobile unit; receiving the pointer message (P) by the mobile unit;
extracting from the pointer message (P) the position of at least one
system message (M') by the mobile unit. The present invention relates
also to a system implementing this method.