A DVD Player based Tic-Tac-Toe game played utilizing the capabilities of a
DVD player via either a stand alone DVD Player or a software-based DVD
Player on a computer. The game is limited to a person challenging a DVD
Player using fixed automatic opposing player logic. By matching up
symmetrical patterns of the resulting tokens, after each opposing token
position is selected, the number of unique DVD menus needed for a base
version of the game (which never allows the person playing the game to
win) can be reduced to just 30 DVD Menus. This matching is arrived at by
animating in 3-D space the transitions of the Tic-Tac-Toe game board via
flipping and/or rotating between game board states. It then allows
alternate paths of game play to be added to the fixed logic that can
allow a person to win. It also allows custom content to be arrived at
during game play.