System and methods for upgrading an optical add-drop multiplexer (OADM) to
higher degree wavelength selective router (WSR)/wavelength selective
switch (WSS) are disclosed. For example, an OADM of degree-2 may be
provisioned for upgrades to degree-3 and higher. The existing links power
and signal-to-noise (SNR) budgets are not significantly affected when the
node is upgraded to a higher degree WSS/WSR. Cascaded power dividers and
combiners may be used in conjunction with optical amplifiers and
reconfigurable blocking filters to increase the number of paths over
which an optical signal can be routed/switched without affecting the
paths already utilized. Prior to enabling service on either an input or
output fiber, taps and combiners are pre-provisioned so as to ensure that
at least one additional transmission path is always available.